In Memory of a Logger
“Logger’s don’t sit around much discussing church, religion, or prayer, but a wise man once said, if you ever get to heaven, you’ll be surprised who you’ll run into there. And when the last trumpet’s been sounded and all of life’s secrets unfold, we’ll find more than one set of caulk boot tracks on those streets that are solid gold. “
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There’s nothing quite like the sound and sight of the log truck coming up the lane at the end of the day. Peeking out to see them working on the skidder, welding a trailer. (You have to look close to tell who is who from a distance.) Impromptu lunches and trips to town to pick up a part. Spending Friday afternoons together doing checks and paperwork. Laughing at the guys spending too much time browsing online and dreaming of new equipment. Weekends cutting firewood. Even the endless bits of sawdust that seem to get into everything. It’s who we are. And we were blessed. So blessed. So what do you do when one of them doesn’t come home from the woods. How do you continue doing what you’ve always done? But how do you not?
It will be five years this year since that awful day. And in so many ways we’re still finding our way without him. But I know he’d be so proud of his son and his grandson. And I know he’s looking over them. Until we meet again, Pop. <3
♥ The Logger’s Wife

TJ was 29 when he died in a snowmobiling avalanche on March 27, 2010. I got the call while I was at work. He was riding with his best friends, dad, and uncle. We had been married a little over 5 years, together over 8. I was 5 months pregnant with our first child, which had taken us 4 years of fertility treatments to conceive. His family owns “St. Maries Logging” and TJ was the 3rd generation logger. He usually ran a Harvestor, but lately had been running the new Buncher. He worked his butt off, long days, as most loggers do. He had a passion for snowmobiling, rode dirt bikes in the summer and had a best buddy, Moose, our black lab. He was restoring a 1968 Camaro….his dream car. I hope to finish it for him. He had crystal blue eyes and was the nicest person you could ever meet. I really miss him.
♥ Ananda
Robert was 24 when was killed when a tree bounced back throwing him into a rock and killing him instantly. Robert was just like a brother to me. In 2005 I found out I was pregnant, Due July 12. His fiance also found out she was pregnant and due Aug 12. But things took a turn for the worse when she got toxcemia and Hunter had to be taken at 27 weeks, weighing 1lb 2oz. He was soo little and we didnt think he would make it but he did and I think for a reason — to carry on Robert’s name. He is now a happy little 5 year old boy and loves to play with my little boy. It reminds me so much of when we use to play together and it brings tears to my eyes but i know Rob is looking down and is soo happy seeing his little boy grow up just like him. It’s sad to see him taken so young – he was just getting his life started. Went in half business with his dad, bought a house, and was starting a family! You couldnt of asked for a better person than him – he was always happy and smiling! We love and miss you Rob!!
♥ Jessica
My husband Nick passed away on March 31st, 2011, he was 26 years old. He was cutting down some trees when a limb came down and hit him in the head. He works for his families logging and construction company in Vermont. His father, brother and close friends were on the scene and saw what happened. He was rushed to the hospital where he stayed in the ICU for three days before he was pronounced brain dead. We were married 2 1/2 years and have a 18mth old son Brayden. The day after Nicks accident I found out I was pregnant with our second child and soon found out it was a girl. Nick was an amazing person, husband and father. We have held a memorial celebration for him where we raised money for The Nick Bogie Memorial Fund and organ donation. We chose to donate his organs and seven were used. His life is not only going on in his children but others as well. This is still something I struggle with every moment of every day and I miss him terribly. We all love you Nick and miss you!
♥ Carrie

Justin Levi Compton aka Gus, killed in a Logging accident Febuary 5,2010. Darrington Washington, Sauk Valley
♥ Mom
My daddy was 38 years old. He had started logging when he was 13. He was the best one out there no one ever called anyone else for tree work. He would go out in to the deep woods or 10 feet into a backyard next to someones house and a road and some powerlines. Never once did he break a line or hit a house. My daddys been in many logging accidents. Broken neck, dislocated knees smashed foot concussions. You name it he had it. Then one september 15 2012 about 2 months ago my dad fell.. he fell about 50 ft due to his rope breaking as he was propelling down. He landed straight on his back hitting his head with great force.he had internal bleeding and liver lacerations.. his brain was 3 times the size it normlaly is.. causing his body to shut down right before my eyes.. he was airlifted to a hospital where he died..ill never forget that day I was sitting at my friends house and Iseen a medicvac fly over and i thought it was odd to see one out there. About 20 mins later Igot the call.. and my dad was just a few minutes down the road. I am only 18 and my dad was my life.. he has always been there for me and was pretty much all I had left. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t call his phone to see if he will answer or just to hear his voice on his answering machine.. I miss my daddys so much..
♥ Darian

My dad started logging when he was 17 years old in 1977 by bucking trees for timber fallers. My dad’s father had his own timber falling and truck driving business. My dad had his own log truck he drove then went to timber falling until he was 52 year old until he hurt his back. He was the funniest, honest, and most loving heart anyone could meet. Everyone knew who my dad was just from his outgoing personalitly and smile that nobody could ever replace. He passed away on March 7 2013. He passed away in his sleep and we do not know exactly why. But I miss his funny personality and how he would make me smile and feel sad to happy. I am a complete daddy’s girl! Whatever he did I wanted to do the exact same thing! My dad and brother and myself always went hunting and fishing together It was never the same since he passed away! We miss our dad so much! We love you daddy!!!
♥ Your little girl Kelce Mae

Bode was a logger from way back. He loved logging, loved being outdoors. He and a co-worker were killed on their way to work on October 7th 2014 when an oncoming vehicle hit them head on . Bode was to turn 51 at the end of November. He was a hard worker , loved by his boss (Harkness Logging), a kind and gentle soul. He will be missed greatly by all who loved him. He and I were married for 21 years. He had a daughter from a previous marriage Katie who now has a baby of her own. Bode didn’t get to see his grandson in life but I know he’s looking down from above. I am proud to be have been a loggers wife. I loved Bode dearly and will miss his smile and his laughter. The woods are a little emptier now with the loss. R.I.P my dear one
♥ Cindy

In September 2009 god took from us a wonderful man , granpa, brother and uncle he was a logger his whole life and will never be forgotten! We miss you
♥ preston

Michael Scott Wyatt was killed June 22nd of 2012 when a tree he was cutting down broke loose at the base swinging back and falling on top of him killing him instantly; we can only hope it was instant and that my dearly beloved Michael didn’t suffer. Michael was a great friend..worker..father..STEP-father and more importantly my fiance. We were together 3 years and had just picked out our wedding bands a month prior to his passing. I miss him more today than the day God decided that Michael was much more needed in Heaven. Michael and I called eachother “Mama & Daddy” and we had a saying “all the love in the world.” And the morning that i took him to work, on the day that he was tragically killed…he looked at me and said ” all the love in the world mama” then kissed me for the last time. Michael was a proud logger who loved his job and I believe he died doing what he loved. He was a true logger at heart standing a full 6’7.5″ tall. He had the biggest heart of anyone i’ve ever known. Michael will always be loved and missed unconditionally and there’s not a moment that goes by that he’s not with me in my heart and soul. I continue to live with my head held high knowing that i was loved by such a wonderful man and that when my time comes, we’ll be together again! Michael Scott Wyatt..I love you with all my heart and soul and Ill be waiting for the wonderful day we’ll be together again…..”ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD DADDY…”
♥ Beverly Story Wyatt